Research and advocacy of progressive and pragmatic policy ideas.
Protection against extreme hardship and poverty
In-depth Explorations
Kami akhiri siri penyelidikan ini dengan dapatan kaji selidik yang menerangkan kesan pinjaman pendidikan terhadap peminjam dan pandangan mereka tentang pinjaman pendidikan di Malaysia.
In our four-part research series, we wrote about the burden borrowers carry from student loan debt. Now, we present, in their own words, the impact of student loans on their lives.
Untuk mengurangkan kebergantungan pada pinjaman pendidikan, kami cadangkan kita beralih kepada kaedah pembiayaan yang berasaskan pembelajaran berterusan.
How are borrowers impacted by student loans? How do they feel about student loans overall? We conclude our research series with illuminating results from a novel survey on Malaysian student loan borrowers.
Our Positions
Social protection should not be seen as a ‘charity’ but a necessary and lifelong safety net for everyone.
Pengubah dasar perlu menawarkan cadangan yang akan menjamin kesejahteraan kewangan bagi semua rakyat Malaysia pada masa hadapan.
Recent issues on delivery riders can be traced to one conundrum: the unclear employment classification for gig workers. To resolve this, we will need to establish a regulatory sandbox.
Pumping more investments on training programmes and facilities will not resolve accessibility barriers. We argue for a policy shift from purely supplying training to helping workers identify and realize opportunities that best fulfill their needs.
Factual Overviews
A primer on the rights to form unions and collective bargaining
A primer on the Malaysian skills development system.
Apakah keadaan semasa sektor perikanan laut di Malaysia? Fahami kategori-kategori nelayan dan cabaran-cabaran yang mereka hadapi.
The Centre is a centrist think tank driven by research and advocacy of progressive and pragmatic policy ideas. We are a not-for-profit and a mostly remote working organisation.