Research and advocacy of progressive and pragmatic policy ideas.
Goods and services for public well-being
In-depth Explorations
As Malaysia becomes an ageing society, we discuss the housing challenges that future seniors face in order to age independently.
Kami simpulkan siri kajian ini dengan sebuah tinjauan terhadap norma penyewaan, keresahan penyewa, dan aspirasi perumahan mereka.
Ramai rakyat Malaysia yang menyewa terdedah kepada risiko yang kurang mendapat perhatian dasar. Kami meninjau pendekatan global yang boleh menjadi contoh bagi dasar penyewaan yang lebih baik untuk mereka.
What do renters want? What factors are likely to encourage long-term renting? We conclude our research series with a survey probing renting norms, insecurities that renters face, and their future housing aspirations.
Our Positions
Kami sarankan beberapa langkah yang boleh diambil untuk memperkasakan pasaran rumah sewa.
Lower ridership during CMCO has led to bus route cuts in the Klang Valley. Can the current funding model keep buses running and prioritise the interests of the public? We argue for a fundamental review.
Masalah kewangan dan kesihatan mental berhubungkait – jadi cara kita menyalurkan bantuan kepada mereka yang terjejas juga perlu bersepadu.
Financial distress and mental health are related – so why are the ways we structure assistance to those affected still in silos?
Factual Overviews
An overview of the housing affordability gap and its key drivers.
The recent COVID-19 pandemic shook the world and raised questions on our global preparedness against a pandemic.
Belanjawan 2020 akan dibentangkan pada 11 Oktober ini. Ketahui latarbelakang dan konsep utama belanjawan negara
Kerajaan mengutip hasil dari pelbagai sumber untuk menjana dana bagi tujuan perbelanjaan negara. Ketahui sumber hasil utama negara.
The Centre is a centrist think tank driven by research and advocacy of progressive and pragmatic policy ideas. We are a not-for-profit and a mostly remote working organisation.